Bio::MAGETAB::Types - custom data types for Bio::MAGETAB
use Bio::MAGETAB::Types qw( Date Email Uri );
This class provides definitions and coercion methods for Bio::MAGETAB data types not included as part of Moose. It is not intended to be used directly, but is instead called by many of the individual MAGE-TAB classes.
Dates are stored and retrieved as DateTime objects. Constructors and mutators can be passed either a DateTime object, a hashref suitable for passing to DateTime->new(), or a string date representation. In the latter case this class attempts to parse the string into a DateTime object using the Date::Manip module.
Email addresses are stored as strings, but are validated using the Email::Valid module.
All URI strings are stored and retrieved as instances of the standard perl URI class.
DateTime, Date::Manip, Email::Valid, URI
Tim F. Rayner <>
This library is released under version 2 of the GNU General Public License (GPL).