Bio::MAGETAB::MatrixRow - MAGE-TAB matrix row class
use Bio::MAGETAB::MatrixRow;
This class is used to describe the rows of a MAGE-TAB data matrix. It acts as a mapping between a numbered row in the matrix, and the design element (Feature, Reporter or CompositeElement) to which it applies. See the BaseClass class for superclass methods.
The number of the row in the data matrix. Rows are assumed to be numbered from top to bottom, starting at one for the first data row; however this is not constrained by the model and you may use whatever local conventions you prefer (data type: Integer).
The DesignElement to which the data in this row applies (data type: Bio::MAGETAB::DesignElement).
Each attribute has accessor (get_*) and mutator (set_*) methods, and also predicate (has_*) and clearer (clear_*) methods where the attribute is optional. Where an attribute represents a one-to-many relationship the mutator accepts an arrayref and the accessor returns an array.
the Bio::MAGETAB::BaseClass manpage
Tim F. Rayner <>
This library is released under version 2 of the GNU General Public License (GPL).